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Variant titleA Waverley Library Local History FactsheetAuthor/CreatorWaverley LibraryContentsDuring WWII, Bondi Beach faced potential Japanese attacks, leading to unique wartime measures. Fortifications were erected, creating a 'rat run' maze for beachgoers. Blackout regulations, street renaming, and even a radar station were implemented. American servicemen flooded Bondi, converting pavilions and ambulances into private clubs and clinics.
Rumors of Japanese attacks persisted, but only one shell hit Rose Bay. TypeFactsheetCollectionLocal History Factsheets
Rumors of Japanese attacks persisted, but only one shell hit Rose Bay. TypeFactsheetCollectionLocal History Factsheets
Related placeBondi BeachSubject - Topical NameWorld War IISubject - Geographical NameBondi BeachTaxonomySpecial Collections | Factsheets | Waverley Moments
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Shelling of Bondi, 1942. Waverley Council Library, accessed 16/01/2025, https://waverley.recollectcms.com/nodes/view/40563