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Bondi Mermaids
In 1960, Bondi Beach witnessed the installation of the iconic Bondi Mermaid statues on the Big Rock at Ben Buckler. Sculpted by Lyall Randolph and modeled on two local women, Jan Carmody and Lynette Whillier, these mermaids quickly became beloved landmarks.
The mermaids were installed at the sculptors own expense, with Randolph arguing that because they were placed off shore, they were not subject to Waverley Council regulations. However, shortly after their debut, pranksters chiseled Mermaid Jan from the rock. She was later mysteriously recovered and repaired through public support. Tragedy struck in 1974 when Lynette was swept away by heavy seas, and Jan lost an arm and tail. Eventually forgotten in a council depot, Jan was rediscovered in the late 1980s, preserved, and now rests at Waverley Library, a testament to Bondi's enduring charm.