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Meme Mania
MemeMania: Create and Upload
We are inviting you the local community to create a funny meme and upload it to our collection!
1. Visit our Recollect site and create an account: https://waverley.recollectcms.com/
2. Visit our main search page and find the perfect photograph: https://waverley.recollectcms.com/
3. Use a meme generator to create your funny meme: https://memebetter.com/generator
4. Please email your submission with the subject line: MemeMania 2024 with your name and contact number or email to local.history@waverley.nsw.gov.au
House Rules
1. Have fun and get creative! We want to celebrate our community's history!
2. Please no swearing, crude language or mean entries - this is light-hearted and fun!
3. Do not disrespect the sites or people in the images - you may be related to one of them!