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MacPherson Street, Waverley roundabout, at Albion Street. St Catherine's girls school, left.
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MacPherson Street roundabout, at Albion Street Intersection. Government bus No. 378 Bronte beach service. St Catherine's School, background.
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St Catherine's School. St John, 24 Albion Street, Waverley
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St Catherine's School. Dame Joan Sutherland Centre, MacPherson Street, Waverley - Under construction.
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Schools, St Catherine's School, St Catherines of E. Girls School, Albion Street, Waverley. Students on parade float.
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Schools, St Catherine's School, St Catherines of E. Girls School, Albion Street, Waverley. L - R: Miss Faith Patterson, head mistress, with ex-student Opera Singer Dame Joan Sutherland.
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St Catherine's Girls School, Albion Street, Waverley, behind huge Morton Bay fig tree. Bus stop shelter.
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Schools - St Catherine's School, Victorian Mansion " La Vicompte " in Leichhardt Street, Waverley. Purchased in 1954 by St Catherine's and renamed the MacCallum Junior School. Modern extensions were later added.

Waverley Council acknowledges the Bidjigal, Birrabirragal and Gadigal people, who traditionally occupied the Sydney Coast, and we pay respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders both past and present.

Waverley Library

32-48 Denison St, Bondi Junction, NSW. 2022 Australia


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